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Smadex updates, industry news, and more!
Smadex takeaways on what to expect from SKAd Network 4.0
Alongside the release of iOS 16.1, Apple has also published the documentation for SKAd Network 4.0 for developers.
What is Google’s “Better Ads Experience” and how to face it
Google has announced the release of their Better Ads experience policy. They have included new guidelines around unexpected interstitial ads when using Google Play apps.
Utilizing CTV AdVision to top the most downloads game list in 142 countries
Smadex’s integration with Adjust allowed Magic Tavern’s marketing team to get insights on the campaign performance.
Smadex supports custom product pages
Custom product pages are alternate versions of a default App Store product page created to highlight different elements and customizeg user experience.
Nutra Success story with App to Web Campaigns
We have put together a complete success story explaining how App to Web Campaigns can place the right ad in the right app at the right time.
What’s new with SKAd Version 4.0
SKAd version 4.0 has been announced in WWDC 2022. Apple has listened to the feedback from developers and has added some new features to allow advertisers to have more data.
7 Reasons You Should be using CTV Advertising
Connected TV brings new opportunities for viewers to access all of their favorite content through linear TV, OTT (over-the-top) and every connected device, all in one place.
Smadex’s Flexible Mapping: How to Optimize with SKAd Network
Learn how you can optimize on SKAd Network with Smadex's Flexible Mapping solution.
How To Maximize Campaign Optimization on SKAd
Apple only allows 100 values for campaign_ID. You will need to decide how to use them wisely. Take the lead with Smadex.
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