What new or different tactics do you use during the end of the year Holiday Season (Cyber Monday/Black Friday/Xmas)?
We will be offering a special discount pack of minutes (750 minutes). This will be the biggest pack we ever released at eCooltra. For the rest of the holiday season we will be focusing on retention of the users due to our low season (because of the weather).
What do you wish you knew when you started your first App Promotion campaign that you’ve learned with experience?
In our case the rivalry between cities from a creative perspective. We saw that user between Barcelona and Madrid and Rome were not happy if we used image content from another city to them then theirs. This caused some friction that could have been foreseen.
What’s next for mobile in 2019?
Not necessarily new but I think audio and programmatic will have an even bigger presence for mobile marketers.
What is the single App Store Optimization tactic that brought the biggest benefit for your app?
The A-B testing function in Google Play. We kept doing tests there and we changed our icon and screenshots based on the results we retrieved. We ran tests and optimized our organic growth.
How important is App Store ranking for your app? How does this affect acquisition for your app?
Really important especially now that Apple Search Ads have been released in Italy and Spain. Ranking plays a crucial role for people that are occasionally looking for new apps. We are now the highest ranked scooter sharing app in a very competitive category (travel). Our current place (16) gives us a lot of exposure and this increases our organic installs.
How much % of your monthly spend goes to Programmatic? Do you plan to increase it, decrease it or keep it the same next year?
Roughly 20-25% of our budget goes there now, but I expect that to grow as the results are getting better and the quality is very stable.
Are you using any attribution models different from Last-Click? If so, what do you use? Have you seen any benefits? If you use Last-Click, what have been the benefits of that model for you?
We are using multi-touch attribution together with last-click attribution for our online activities. Because users use multiple devices and are impacted on several platforms it is not fair to attribute the install or registration to one specific platform only.
We analyze the touchpoints of our users that made a registration carefully to understand after how many impacts they finally completed an action. The second step is to understand why potential users don’t complete the action on certain channels and to see if there are trends. This to optimize the overall performance.
What is the biggest mistake marketers make when defining Attribution windows?
To focus primarily on last click attribution instead of multi-touch attribution models. People now use different devices and it is key to make sure to link these devices to single users. Not doing this can create confusion and make things unnecessarily complicated to measure.
What channel is best for increasing UA, excluding the big two (Google + FB)?
Mediamath (Headway) for programmatic and Apple Search Ads.