Running user acquisition and retargeting campaigns simultaneously is a highly effective approach to maximizing growth in the competitive mobile app marketing landscape. Seamlessly combining these strategies can be a game-changer that broadens reach and boosts user retention.

The Basics: UA and Retargeting Campaigns

User Acquisition (UA) Campaigns

UA campaigns, as we know them, are designed to attract new users to your app. These campaigns focus on users who have never interacted with your app but have the potential to do so. Mobile user acquisition campaigns aim to reach and broaden your user base.

Retargeting Campaigns

On the other hand, mobile app retargeting campaigns focus on reactivating the interest of users who have already engaged with your app in some way but haven’t interacted with it in a long time or have uninstalled it. The following table provides a comprehensive overview of key differences between running Android retargeting campaigns and iOS retargeting campaigns. 

Retargeting Android VS iOS

Feature Android iOs
Market Share (Worldwide) 75% 25%
Average number of users (Worldwide) 3 billion 1 billion
Data Availability for Retargeting Easier (Google Advertising ID) More challenging (IDFA Limitations)
Targeting More precise targeting Less precise targeting (reliant on Consent & Contextual Data), but still possible.
Tip to Success! Leverage user data for segmented campaigns and customize creatives. Focus on contextual targeting, leverage pre-permission prompts & SKAdNetwork)

Key Advantages of Running UA and Retargeting Campaigns Together

  • Enhanced Targeting: Retargeting campaigns can become much more effective by leveraging user data gathered through initial user acquisition campaigns. Analyzing and drawing insights from previous outreaches allows marketers to tailor their retargeting efforts to specific audiences with messages that specifically appeal to them.
  • Optimization of Ad Spend: Running UA and retargeting campaigns simultaneously allows marketers to focus on users who have already shown interest in their app while attracting new users. This ensures that all the budget allocated to the campaigns is well-spent.
  • Increasing Conversion Rates: By reconnecting with users who were previously impacted by a UA campaign, marketers can remind users about their app’s benefits, which increases the likelihood of conversions. 
  • Maximize Reach and Engagement: Combining user acquisition and retargeting campaigns helps find new audiences while re-engaging previously reached ones. This dual approach ensures maximum reach. 
  • Seamless User Experience: UA campaigns introduce the app to new audiences, piquing their interest. If they don’t engage at the moment, retargeting campaigns remind them of the app’s benefits and encourage them to do so. This journey helps the brand increase its recognition and foster user loyalty. 

Running user acquisition (UA) and retargeting campaigns simultaneously is a powerful strategy for maximizing app growth. UA campaigns attract new users while retargeting campaigns re-engage those who have interacted with the app but haven’t converted or have uninstalled it. 

At Smadex, we simplify user acquisition for you. We find the right people for your app and help you achieve your goals. We don’t just find new users; we help you keep the ones you already have. 

Reach out if you want to know more and reach the maximum potential of your user acquisition and retargeting campaign!